JavaScript Jam retrospective: Mike's Halloween 2021 Screen Recorder Since it's time to wrap up the year, I thought it would be a good idea to dig up my favourite Virti jam project from last year. Virti quarterly jam weeks allow us to experiment with new technologies and ideas for a week and give us the space
Jam Virti Jam Report: Making gains through gamification It’s time for our latest Jam week roundup… And what a jam-packed five days it was! So settle in and get ready for a whistle stop tour of our talented team’s latest projects.
business event January Jam Week Report: Battling deadpan and building darkmode The Virti team have been working their socks off to make our platform even better; look out for lots of exciting and useful updates in the weeks ahead! 👀
Insights Featured Innovation Unlocked: the Virti Summer Jam Report In line with our mission to improve human performance, we actively encourage every Virti employee to dedicate 20% of their working hours to learning and upskilling. Here are the results.