Virti and Asia University transform nursing training with VR tech

In Taiwan, 50 enthusiastic teachers and students from Asia University’s College of Nursing have kickstarted an innovative project designed to transform learning across the institution.

In collaboration with the HTC Medical VR team, the faculty members are using Virti’s content creation suite to plan and develop their own fully immersive teaching simulations and learning materials.

Their ultimate goal is to create a ‘Metaverse Textbook’: a collection of engaging and interactive VR simulations that can be integrated into the school’s existing nursing curriculum. This content will include:

  • VR demonstrations of medical procedures.
  • Simulations that support the development of essential soft skills - for example, empathy.
  • Risk-free, repeatable practice opportunities for complex technical skills - for example, chest physiotherapy for children.

Topics covered by the next-gen textbook range from infectious disease prevention to dementia care, managing violence on hospital wards and treating acute coronary heart disease. It will support independent learning amongst students, facilitate a wider dissemination of expert knowledge from the faculty teachers, and help prepare the nursing students for the challenges they might encounter at internships or future employment.

It is being designed as a ‘live’ resource, meaning that it can be infinitely updated and improved with additional content at any point in the future. With VR technology improving at a rapid pace, the textbook will become more impactful over the coming months.    

Huashan Wu, Dean of the College of Nursing (third from right in the front row), Lewis Chang, Head of HTC Medical VR (fourth from right in the front row), took a group photo with teachers and students of the College of Nursing and HTC team members.

A future-ready teaching tool  

Using the Virti platform, AU teachers without engineering or design backgrounds can now easily create their own educational simulations to distribute amongst their students. By doing this, the creator’s unique knowledge and experiences can be more effectively captured and shared with a limitless audience of learners.

The team predict that, by incorporating immersive training into their curriculum, nursing students’ learning speed will increase by up to 4x and they’ll remember what they’ve learnt for up to 230% longer.

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Huashan Wu, Dean of the College of Nursing at Asia University, explained that:

“With the support of Virti’s content creation tools, our team is creating cutting-edge learning materials. These materials enable the delivery of immersive, interactive and imaginative learning directly to our students - wherever and whenever is convenient for them.

“Our new Metaverse Textbook will assist the teacher in explaining key points and concepts.  After their classes, the students can now learn or practice independently with the VR content - building skills at the same time as building confidence.

“It’s incredibly exciting to be working right at the frontiers of educational technology and pedagogical innovation. In the future, these VR learning materials will be integrated with the physical learning of the Nursing Teaching Center in order to create virtual reality teaching space for the College of Nursing.”

Kunchia Wu, Manager of HTC Medical VR and teachers from the College of Nursing discussed the theme and content structure of the VR metaverse lesson plan in groups, and each group reported on behalf of the teacher.

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