The Top Training Benefits of Virtual and Augmented Reality in L&D

Digital immersion includes emerging learning technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). The survey revealed there is a perception that these technologies are expensive, so we wanted to understand what benefits these forward-thinking trainers see in VR/AR to justify the investment.

We asked just this cohort the following question: “What are the benefits your organisation finds in using virtual reality or augmented reality for L&D?”

Top training benefits of VR and AR in L&D

Survey respondents said the top benefits of digitally immersive training are as follows:

  1. Quality. 44% said digital immersion provides better quality training;
  2. Cost-effective. 42% said it is more cost-effective in the long run;
  3. Deployment. 39% said VR/AR is easier to deploy;
  4. Higher engagement. 30% said it drives higher student/employee engagement;
  5. Measurement. 26% said they are better able to measure success; and
  6. Knowledge retention. 23% said knowledge retention is higher with VR/AR learning tools.

It’s very telling that most respondents who currently use these tools identified cost-effectiveness as a top benefit – trailing only quality. Indeed, whilst there is a higher set-up cost, digitally immersive environments are less expensive over time for several reasons.

Chief among these is that VR/AR provides the ability to remotely scale those high-pressure real-world environments in training  – and simuultatinously reduced spend related to time and travel. Second, VR/AR-based training takes less time than traditional e-learning or the classroom to get the same impact. This means employees save time that would otherwise be spent sitting in a class or watching videos. Third, the digital nature often makes it easier to keep course material up-to-date.

Further, there’s substantial research, suggesting that knowledge absorption and knowledge retention tend to be higher with digitally immersive training. Finally, only with VR/AR can L&D  collect real-time data and analytics that provide learning insights and objective performance feedback.

There’s more detail in the full report which is available for download here:
The 2023 State of Learning and Development Report