The role and potential of VR for autistic people and in education with Dr Nigel Newbutt

The role and potential of VR for autistic people and in education with Dr Nigel Newbutt

In episode 12 of the Virti Podcast, Nick is joined by Dr Nigel Newbutt, Senior Researcher  & Lecturer at UWE Bristol to talk about his insightful and fascinating research examining the role and potential of virtual reality technologies for autistic people. In the conversation, we also discuss the importance of conducting safe research, the opportunities of VR within schools & the role that virtual environments can play to develop communication and social skill opportunities for young people with autism.

Nigel is also Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Enabling Technologies, a Journal that seeks to "provide a strong, insightful, international, and multi-disciplinary evidence-base in health, social care, and education".

You can find out more about Nigel here.  Twitter: